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The participation in the Conference will be possible only upon acceptance of the abstract, after the blind review by members of the Referees Committee (following an established international procedure, the selection of the abstracts will take place with a system of "blind peer review" by the Referees Committee, consisting of a representative group of international experts). Therefore, the deadlines and procedures for submitting the requests attached below are mandatory.


The people interested in participating are requested to send the abstract of the paper according to the procedures listed below no later than March 21, 2014, to the e-mail address of the organizing secretary: The acceptance of the abstracts will be notified by April 26, 2014, while the next deadline for the delivery of the papers by the authors selected by the Referees Committee is scheduled for May 31, 2014.


The abstract, written in English, must be prepared in accordance with the rules set out in the form and sent together with the registration form to the following e-mail address:


The deadline for the abstracts is March 21, 2014.


The acceptance of the abstract and any request for integration will be notified by April 26, 2014.


The registration feet must be settled ​​by May 7, 2014.










The full paper must be delivered by May 31, 2014.

The full paper is not accepted unless the registration fee has been settled.









The registration fee is €uro 120, including two lunches and one dinner, if the payment is made ​​no later than May 7, 2014.

The registration fee is €uro 150, including two lunches and one dinner, if the payment is made ​​after May 7, but before May 31, 2014.
The registration fee for students of Doctoral Schools, Postgraduate or Master Schools is €uro 80, including two lunches, if the payment is made no later than May 7, 2014, or €uro 100, if the payment is made after May 7, 2014, but before May 31, 2014.
The registration fee for students of Doctoral Schools, Postgraduate or Master Schools is €uro 50, including no lunches, if the payment is made no later than May 7, 2014, or €uro 70, if the payment is made after May 7, 2014, but before May 31, 2014.
The fees include the publication of the conference proceedings, which will be delivered on the first day of the event.


The fees will be versed on headed banking current account to:

Università degli Studi di Firenze, Unicredit Banca S.p.A. – agenzia Via Vecchietti, 11- Firenze

IBAN   IT 88 A 02008 02837 000041126939    Codice swift: UNCRITM1F86

Writing in the motive “CVG Reuso - DIDA"

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