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1°  International Conference 


Architecture and cities. Problems of protection and enhancement of historic centers


La Spezia, November 27-28, 2015​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The symbiosis between architecture and the city is one of the most significant themes of the current debate. In relation to the rules governing the use of land for new settlements the issue acquires particular importance in function of the integration between historical settlement and suburbs which over the last thirty years have radically changed the image of the city. Architecture has always been the symbol of the city, the distinctive character of the urban image. Already in the Fascist period, in the design of new settlements, the architecture had the task of sublimating and characterize the appearance of the city itself. In the years after the war, with the building boom, the expansion of the city took place in a chaotic and often divorced from a true urban design; attempts project between the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century have tried to bring it to a consistent image of the settlement already made landscapes and the characteristics of the site on which to develop the new expansions, attempts failed miserably as demonstrated by the current problems. With details on new volumes "zero" becomes essential to enhance within the logic urban architecture that composes, identifying programmatic lines especially for the so-called marginal areas where chaos construction has created a language incoherent and devoid of meaning urban. This conference has among its priorities the identification of methodological guidelines for proper interpretation of the building featuring the urban fringes. While for the latter the lines of future architectural planning will affect not only the urban but especially rethink a design or functional recovery of an architectural image of the property, for what concerns the historic fabric of the city will be the key recovery and enhancement of those spaces, buildings and surfaces that even today in cities represent a key resource in the economic revitalization and professional.







Ai fini dell’aggiornamento e sviluppo professionale continuo, ai sensi dell’art. 7 del DPR 137/12 e relativo Regolamento, per il Convegno è in corso di richiesta  il riconoscimento di Crediti Formativi Professionali ai sensi del punto 5.2 delle Linee Guida e di Coordinamento attuative del Regolamento.

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